Friday, July 25, 2008

How Things Have Changed

We all seem to go through changes in our life. We have times when we couldn't be higher and floating along and then there are times when we don't think that we can push on. This is one of those times, For those who have not heard, we have lost our mom. Melissa's mom died tragically at Bear Lake last Friday. The accident happen while Melissa was trying to reposition a truck. There was a couple of injuries suffered besides Michele (Mom), Nicole- bruised lung, cuts and bruises, cracked ribs and a really stiff neck, Chantal- has cuts and bruises head to toe along with a sore knee and ankle, Carlos (Dad)- bruises and a sore lower back shooting pain down his leg, and Chloe- Three scull fractures minor enough that no surgery was needed, Broken femur, a black eye and a couple cuts. 
These injuries seem to be healing fast for most of the family, but the loss of Michele will be felt for a long time to come. I thought that loosing Michele would soon dissipate, as usual I'm being proved wrong. I have become lost and not sure what I as an in-law am supposed to do. Not only did Chloe get injured, but Melissa lost her mom and best friend. This has caused a dilemma in my heart and mind as to which situation warrants my attention the most. I have decided that I must run faster with the help of everyone around me. We can do it together.
Now, let me say this we have truly been blessed. We have had support come from all around us. At Bear Lake we met some truly amazing people who helped us with everything. They came to us and met our needs just after the accident and continues still. When we got back to camp everything was packed and ready to go. People from all over the campground came to support us and get us on the road. I cannot ever explain how much these people who knew nothing of us, came and took care of our family. We are truly blessed to have met these wonderful people. All I can do is Say THANK YOU, we are fortunate to have met these wonderful people. 
As the Funeral came we continued to receive an incredible amount of support from our families and friends, they came from all over the country to make sure we were taken care of and that we knew we were loved. Often time I have taken this for granted and not realized how important it is to have a strong family around me. The gratitude needed to express the support we have received here at home has slipped away from me and all I can say is I LOVE YOU.